Exceeding Expectations

You Only Get One Chance To Make A Good First Impression!!!

BRACETech Custom Built Websites

We Build Your Website To Achieve Your Objectives
A Great Website Is Not Simply The Result Of A Great Budget
Sure, we’ve seen some terrible websites that are so cheap and poorly done they could never achieve their intended purpose – but we have also seen technically marvellous sites, costing six figures or more, that sadly have been so over engineered that no one enjoys to use them.
A Great Website Is One That Has Balanced Form And Function
If you’re a butcher going online, make it easy for people to buy your meat online. 15 clicks to get to the checkout just isn’t going to work for anyone.
And if you are an accountant, lawyer or bricklayer, your website needs to be uniquely about you – don’t be like every other accountant, lawyer or bricklayer
Great design, high quality Images, well crafted content and ease of navigation are hallmarks of our performance tuned websites.

BRACETech Custom Built CRM's

It's hard to imagine life today without the Contacts app on your phone. Phone numbers are hard enough to remember, let alone the email and mailing addresses for everyone you know. So we outsource that to our phones, letting them remember everyone's contact info. All we have to do is say Siri, call bob.
You need even more help with your business contacts—and your address book app isn't enough. In addition to names, phone numbers, and addresses, you need to track the products people are interested in, what services they've purchased from your company, the company they work for, and more.
That's why you need a CRM, a Customer Relationship Management app.

BRACETech Custom Built Applications
BRACE Tech WordPress